Jami Smith


As the visionary behind our delectable creations, Jami Smith wears many hats – from innovation and content creation to curating our signature cake balls. With a background in entrepreneurship, Jami brings a unique perspective to the cannabis industry. A certified yoga instructor and Level 2 reiki practitioner, Jami's journey with cannabis began as a solution to chronic migraines, igniting her passion for the plant's healing potential.


Kayla Moon


The technical mastermind and marketing guru driving our brand's growth. Kayla's expertise in digital marketing has propelled her to success, having founded her first company at just 26 years old. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to own three retail dispensaries in WI, laying the groundwork for our initial market launch. Kayla's personal experience overcoming a rare digestive disorder with cannabis fuels her dedication to creating impactful brands and fostering meaningful connections within the industry.